We need more women

Our generation needs women.

Not girls who are trying to be men.

We need more women who are excited and enthusiastic about becoming wives, mothers, homemakers, and nurturers.

Not women who think that assuming these natural roles will make them weak or ignorant.

We need more women who understand the strength and empowerment that comes with embracing femininity.

We need more women who understand the value of looking soft yet having a strong heart.

We need more women who want to serve and honor their husbands in return for endless protection and cherishment.

We need women who can’t wait to begin their lives as mothers, and not see having ******** as the end of their youth.

We need more women who value their appearance not only for their husbands but for themselves as well.

We need more women who are not frightened by the abounding love their hearts have to give, and do not wish to suppress their natural inclination towards emotional nurturing.

We need more women who are excited to submit to their husbands, instead of constantly competing with them to be the man in the relationship.

We need more women
Published by MIssFluffBrain
15 days ago
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Women need men who appreciate that they are women :wink:
I need a woman like you. One who knows what she is and what she is good at and for 