Fantasy/fetish: I’m in love with my step sister.

Today is my 18th birthday. I just got home from school and my parents welcomed me with a huge surprise. Ariana (my big sister) came by to wish me a happy birthday. She’s 4 years older than I am and is attending the university. She lives on campus, so it’s been a while since I last seen her. We had the usual sibling relationship. Best friends, sibling rivalries, etc. But there was one thing else. We used to be oral buddies when we were younger. I found out that I was adopted when I was still a baby. My parents felt the need to tell me when I was 10. I never knew why or who my mom really was, and as a k** it hurt me so much. Ariana was the only one who really helped me during those times. She made me feel like I was important, like I truly was family. And we started to bond because of it. When we were younger we used to take baths together, and it was always innocent. So the whole ‘seeing her naked’ thing didn’t bother me much. Anyway, we gotten closer during the time I found out I was adopted, not intimately, but as siblings. Yet, I guess you can say there was some attraction between us. And knowing that we weren’t related by blood, she made the first move on me. One night, she crept into my room while our parents were asleep. She woke me up and wanted to talk to me about something. She told me that she’s always felt a connection with me, one that goes beyond brother and sister. It was weird to me but she was very beautiful, and being 4 years older than me, she developed quite a bit (in the chesticle area). I was 10 at the time and she was a freshman in High School at the time. She knew I was having some strange feelings as well. She said that we should explore these feelings. I was scared and thinking she wanted to r*** me or something. She laughed and said “No. Of course not. I just wanna help release some of this tension. Now, I found your secret stash, so I know you know a lil something about sex.” I was scared and mad she found my porn magazines. She said “Well, they’re under your bed in that box. Might wanna find a better hiding place. Like in the closet or something.” I said “Shit.” She said “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anybody. I just wanna see if I could help you and then you could help me.” I ask “How?” She said “Why don’t you let me suck your dick.” Shocked, I say “What?” She shushes me, saying “Shh. Don’t be so loud.” I say “Wait a minute. You serious?” She says “Yeah. Let me suck your dick. Then, I’ll show you how to eat my pussy.” Again, this was weird. But I was about to go through puberty and I was a lowkey horny little fucker. She says “Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle.” I think about it for a couple seconds and say “Mmmm. Ok. But make sure the door’s locked.” She says “Ok.”, gets up off the bed and locks the door. I get a short glance of her round curvy ass that I know I shouldn’t be looking at. She catches me and smiles. She winks at me and says “That’s the spirit.” She sits back on the bed and gives me a kiss on the cheek to ‘calm my nerves’. She pulls down my pajama pants and underwear. She didn’t mind that it wasn’t a big dick (yet). This was probably the first cock she sucked, I don’t know. Anyway, she looks at me and grabs it. It feels nice. She kisses the tip and opens her mouth, licking the head as her mouth engulfs my cock. It felt strange, but really good. She bobbed her head up and down as it starts to grow. She loves it and starts really getting into it. She licks the shaft down to my ballsack and strokes the shaft as she licks the balls. Oh my God. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Long story short (so nobody mistakes this for k**die porn), she gave me my first (and still one of the best) blowjobs ever and she taught me how to eat her pussy. She even let me grab her boobs, but didn’t let me suck them. We made each other cum that night, and it just became our thing whenever one of us (or both of us) were horny and couldn’t sleep. We’d sneak into each other’s rooms and give each other head, tease each other with our tongues and that would be it. We even 69’d each other every once in a while. We basically did everything but kiss or have sex. That all stopped around the time of her 18th birthday. It devastated me because of how close we were. But she just turned 18 and I was still 13 going on 14. After she graduated High School, she got accepted into a nice university and moved out of the house. So fast forward to now, my 18th birthday. Ariana (now 22) came by looking absolutely beautiful and after doing the usual birthday song, cake and gifts stuff, she wanted to take me out to celebrate. So we went to a club, danced, had dinner at a restaurant and had all types of fun. Around 9 PM, we drive off to some place quiet and chill. We start talking and she wanted to know how I’ve been. I told her “Things is good. I’m in my final year in High School and can’t wait to see what’s next.” She tells me she missed me a lot. And although I tried to hide it, I broke down and tell her that I missed her as well. Then, our conversation started getting very interesting. She asked if I had a girlfriend. I told her I dated one or two girls, but those relationships didn’t work out and that I was currently single. I noticed that she was smiling. I asked her if she was dating anyone. She told me she was, some jerk at her university. They were serious until she caught him fucking her roommate in her bed. I was like “Wow.” She then says “To be honest, I’m glad I found out about it when I did. I was really in love with this fool. We never fucked, but I was gonna when I felt ready.” I then breathed a sign of relief and asked “So, you’re still a virgin?” She laughs and says “Fuck no. I lost my virginity to my ex Andre when I was still in High School.” I was like “Ok. I didn’t know about that.” She says “But wait. You’re not a virgin tho. Are you?” I admit “Yes...” Shocked, she says “Wow, really? Whassup? I mean you’re such a great guy. You’re funny, smart, handsome, sexy and you got a nice dick which I’ve seen grow over the years. Is your game that weak?” I say “No. It’s just..., I was afraid.” She busts out laughing at me. I say “Shut up. It’s not funny.” She laughs and says “It kinda is. Wow. I mean we were wild and crazy before I moved out, and next thing I know you got a lock on your cock or something? Do you at least masturbate?” I say “Duh.” She then asks “So what were you afraid of?” I say “It’s silly. It’s just I’ve only had two girlfriends. And I was just scared of what if the relationship doesn’t work and I get her pregnant.” She says “But you got condoms, right?” I say “No. I never bought any. Mainly because I told myself if I didn’t have any condoms, I wouldn’t make the mistake of going out and fucking some girl and regretting it. I want my first time to be with someone special.” She jokingly asks “So you waiting till marriage or something?” I look at her and say “No. I wanna have sex. But I want it to be with someone special, I want it to mean something. I want it to be like a rite of passage into manhood.” She tries not to laugh at me and says “I kinda admire that.” I then look down and say “I want it to be with someone..., someone like you.” She looks at me and says “What?” I get embarrassed and regret what I said. She says “No, say it again.” I say “No. My bad. Forget it.” She gently holds my hands and says “It’s ok. Tell me.” After a few seconds, I say “What I meant to say was I want my first time to be with someone I truly care about, who truly cares about me. Someone who’s got my back. I guess someone that I can see my future with.” She says “Y’know. We’ve had an interesting time together growing up. We’re siblings, but we’re not blood. And we’ve always been close even before you were told that you were adopted. I’ve always loved you, as a brother and more. Although we kinda grew apart, I’ve wanted so bad just to see you again and see how you doing. Just to see your smile again, hear you laugh. I know we could never be more than what we are. But what if, just for tonight... what if, we could be?” I look at her and ask “What do you mean?” She says “Well, you said you wanted your first time to be with someone special, right? So why not me?” I look at her and say “Because you’re my sister.” fronting hard, but knowing deep inside I wanna go for it. She said “That hasn’t stopped us from giving each other head as k**s, has it?” I say “I know. But that was just between you and me. No one else is supposed to know about all that.” She says “Relax, love. Nobody knows. And no one is gonna know. I just feel you deserve your first time to be with someone who truly knows you, who loves you deeply. My feelings for you haven’t changed. I’ve loved you since then and I always will. I may have lost my virginity to some jackass, but I always wanted it to be you.” Shocked, I ask “Really?” She looks dead in my eyes and says “Really. Consider this my birthday gift to you.” I say “Wow. I don’t know what to say...” She says “Don’t say anything. Just give me your love tonight. And I’ll give you my all.” I say “But wait. I don’t have any condoms.” She says “It’s cool. I brought some.” I look at her and say “Wait. So you knew? You had this planned all along?” She says “About you still being a virgin? No, I didn’t know that. But I did know how I want this night to turn out for us. My roommate’s out, club hoppin, getting drunk, being a hoe and shit. She’ll probably be back by 3 or 4 in the morning.” I say “Wait, so you really want to do this?” She looks at me and says “Yeah. Don’t you?” I say “Well, I’ve thought about it. Plenty of times I must admit. I mean you’re beautiful. Gorgeous. And I guess I’ve secretly fantasized about what if. What if we weren’t brother and sister? What if I got to do more than eat your pussy? What if I got to taste those tits...” She playfully grabs and wiggles her tits, saying “These babies?” I stare for a second with a visible bulge in my jeans and she smiles. She says “You can find out. Let’s go.” I say “You fa real?” She says “Yes. Let’s head to my place. I’ll get you in.” We arrive at her dorm room and she has me sneak in through the window. She tells me “So tonight, we’re not brother and sister. We’re whatever we wanna be. And I wanna be yours.” I say “Ok.” I look into her beautiful dark brown eyes she looks into mine. She’s so beautiful, so sexy. We kiss for the first time on the lips. It’s nice and passionate. Something comes over me and I just lose control. We start making out and rubbing each other like never before. I grab a hold of her nice round booty and she loves it. She reaches for the growing bulge and stops kissing me to say “Damn. You HAVE grown.” I smirk and she’s like “Don’t get too cocky. I wanna know if you can work it.” Unusually confident, I say “You’ll see.” She smiles and it’s such an amazing gorgeous smile. We kiss some more and she lays me on her bed, unzips my jeans and pulls it out. She’s amazed at its size. She says “I hope I can still fit it in my mouth.” I take my shirt off as she pulls her big, gorgeous, voluptuous tits out. WOW! They’re AWESOME! She sees me staring at them. She says “Yes, baby. They’re real. You wanna taste?” I shake my head with anticipation and say “Yes.” I’m amazed at the size of these gorgeous voluptuous tits. I start rubbing them with both hands. I grab the right one and start licking around the areola. Wow. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. She likes it as she lightly moans. I continue to lick the areola and reach the nipple. It tastes very nice. My tongue licks it and my lips close so I can kiss the nipple. I start to lightly suck it as it’s in my mouth. My dick gets very hard and she grabs it, stroking it. I continue to lick and suck my beautiful big sister’s right tit. I rub and caress the left one as she begs me to suck it as well. I start rubbing the right tit as I lick and suck the other. She kisses my forehead and says “I love you so much.” I look up at her eyes and say “I love you too.” I stop sucking her tits and make out with her for a good 2 or 3 minutes. She then pulls her panties off, revealing her mouth watering, clean shaven pussy. She sits on my face and grabs my hard cock, jokingly saying “Let’s get those first nuts outta the way, shall we?” I moan with anticipation and mumble “Mmmhmm.” She giggles and says “You’re too cute. Happy Birthday, baby.” then kisses the tip of my cock, licking it sensually as my tongue starts licking her juicy pussy that’s already wet. I reach the clit and start to lick and suck it and she moans before sucking my cock. She’s a pro at this. And I can tell she really enjoys it as much as I enjoy getting it. She twerks her big booty as she starts working my hard cock. I try hard not to lose concentration on her pussy and not cum first, so I put two fingers in her pussy and finger her like crazy while I suck her clit. Her moans sound so beautiful. I wanna make her cum so bad. Her pussy is very wet and my cock is throbbing. I manage to get her to cum first and then I shoot my load on her face and in her mouth. She moans, laughs and says “Yummy.” I moan and say “I missed this SOOOOOOOO much.” She says “Me too, baby. More than you can imagine.” She sucks my cock again until she gets all my cum. I join her in the bathroom, we wash our mouths clean, kiss and come back out ready to finally have sex. She takes all her clothes off and her body is absolutely perfect. Her body is curvy, like an hourglass. Her tits are big and voluptuous. Her pussy is very pretty and clean shaven. Her ass. Wow. Her big, round, perfect, juicy, phat ass. Makes me wish I could marry her just based on that ass, lol. Anyway, my dick instantly gets hard again. She says “You ready, baby?” Nervous but excited, I say “Ye.. yea, yea. Yeah. I mean, yes. Yes I am.” She laughs and says “Why are you so cute?” I say “I dunno.” She laughs and we embrace again, hugging and kissing each other. She grabs a condom from the dresser beside the bed and opens the package. She says “I hope it fits.” I take it and slide it on to my hard cock. Fortunately, it’s a Magnum. I kiss her lips one more time before sliding my cock slowly into her. She lets out another hot moan as I get all my cock in her. She grabs my booty and says “Give it to me, baby.” I start thrusting and making out with her. I still can’t believe this is actually happening. My guilty pleasure, private fantasy is finally coming true right here and now. I’m having sex with Ariana, my big sister, my one true love. My thrusts are slow at first because I’m still nervous. But she eases my nerves and says “Let me help you, baby.” She grabs my ass again, rubbing it and guiding my thrusts as our sex gets more intimate. Her tits start to bounce and it’s a beautiful sight. We roll until she’s on top. She takes control and rides my cock like a cowgirl. She leans closer so we can kiss some more. I grab one of her bouncy tits and start sucking it. She loves it. I rub her big booty with my hands and she moans “Smack it.” I smack her booty and she loves it even more. She squeezes her tits together and lets me suck them both. I’ve wanted to suck her tittys for so long, so I take full advantage of this moment. I kiss, lick and suck the nipples, rub both nipples together and suck them both at the same time. She really loves that. She kisses my forehead as I spend a good two minutes licking and sucking her tits while she rides me. She gets off me and gets on all fours. I stroke my cock and get a good look at her big, round, gorgeous, perfect booty. She says “Fuck my ass, baby.” I wasn’t sure if I should put it in her booty hole or her pussy. So I tease both holes with my cock, rubbing the pussy then the booty hole. I slide it into her pussy first, then into her booty hole and she moans, screaming my name. I wish I could fuck her without this rubber, but I still had it in my head that I didn’t wanna her her pregnant. I alternate between fucking her pussy and fucking her ass. She looks back at me with those gorgeous lustful eyes. I lean closer as my thrusts in her pussy get slower. We kiss some more and she says “Fuck me faster. Don’t be scared.” My thrusts get faster and she’s really into it now. I rub and smack her bouncy booty cheeks and she moans as she cums. She says “Take it out, baby.” I take my cock out and she lays on the bed. She looks SOOOOOOOO good. She says “Take that rubber off and bring that cock here.” She rubs and squeezes her huge tits together. They look so yummy. She lets me suck them a good 3 minutes before I slide my hard cock in between. She thrusts her huge tits up and down my shaft as I rub her pussy with my right hand, playfully teasing the clit. I thrust my hips back and forth and this feels SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD! She licks my cock head every time it pops up from between her cleavage. She then catches the tip and starts sucking the entire cock head. I can’t take it anymore as I feel my nut about to start, which is exactly what she wants. She tittyfucks me even faster, anticipating my nut. I cum right in her mouth and she moans, continuously sucking my cock. She lets go of her tits and starts licking and sucking my whole cock. I rub and stroke her clit with my fingers and enjoy the sounds her wet pussy is making. She keeps sucking my dick until she cums and my fingers get soaked in her juices. My God. This is amazing. SHE’S amazing. She’s the best. Why can’t she NOT be my step sister? I seriously wanna MARRY her, the sex was THAT good. She looks at me with those beautiful eyes and says “Ready to join me in the shower, baby?” I moan “Yes.” We enter the shower and get very intimate in washing each other. We don’t fuck, but we caress and kiss, I suck her tits, eat her yummy pussy and she sucks my cock once more. When we finish, she kisses my right cheek and says “Happy Birthday, my love.” I smile and say “Thank you so much. Can I spend the night here with you?” She says “I wish you could. But it is a school night. And I gotta get you home, otherwise our parents might get worried.” I say “Damn.” She then says “Maybe I can get you to spend the night on my next birthday.” I say “Aight, bet.” She smiles and says “So, how did it feel to finally lose your virginity?” I say “It felt great. Thank you, Ariana. I love you so much.” We kiss and she says “I love you too, baby. But don’t tell anyone about this, ok? We’re still brother and sister to everyone else.” I say “I promise. But I will always treasure this moment.” She says “Good. So will I. Now let’s get you home.” I frown and say “Ok.” She says “Don’t worry. We’ll see each other again soon. Maybe next time, we can fuck without a rubber.” I ask “You serious?” She says “Sure, why not? You got a strong pull out game. So we’ll be aight.” I say “Ok. I love you.” She smiles and says “I love you too.” We kiss, get dressed and she drops me off home. She blows me a kiss as I look back at her. I blow her one back, she playfully ‘catches it’ and waves before driving off. Fuck, I think I’m in love with my step sister.
Published by bigdickthug
4 years ago
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