Karen Garrett is one sexy muscle diva

Karen Garrett is a Black Woman Bodybuilder that is turning heads. She is just killing the competition out there. Karen has natural beauty along with natural muscle. Her muscular physique is a work of art. She definitely has a lot of sex appeal.… Read more

Posted by jwatson911 9 years ago 5

Carolyn Bryant is one of the sexiest Professional

Carolyn Bryant is a class act in the fitness world. At the age of 33 she began her career as. A woman bodybuilder she made a name for. Herself in the world of Professional Women's Bodybuilding. Her sex appeal caught the eye of a lot of men. The first time I saw her it was on an episode. Of the defunct day time talk show Jenny Jones Show. Ever since then I was hooked on Carolyn Bryant. She has it all and that is no lie. Her tight well toned muscular physique. Is well paportioned and her symmetry is amazing. From head to toe she is a Total Muscle Knockout. She is in her early 50's and she still.… Read more

Posted by jwatson911 9 years ago 1

I would love to fuck every Female Bodybuilder out

Female Bodybuilder are the sexiest women on the planet. And I know for sure that are quite freaky. I have always had this sexual fantasy in my head. About fucking a sexy strong Female Bodybuilder. Back in 2002 I was watching an episode of. The HBO hit show Arliss the title of. That episode was Moments To Remember. There wet special guest appearances on that episode. Tony Gonzalez former NFL Tight End. The late Fitness Guru Jack Lelane. Professional Female Bodybuilders Nikki Fuller and Lauren Powers. Carla Haug made her acting debut in this episode. Kirby went backstage at a Professional Women'… Read more

Posted by jwatson911 9 years ago 1

Women bodybuilders doing mainstream adult movies.

Hello to everybody out there its me. James Watson I'm straight out of West Philadelphia. Born and raised I'm proud to be from West Philadelphia. I'm a 28 year old black man. I'm trying to find my way. In this crazy mixed up confused world. Growing up I was a big fan of the hit. TV show American Gladiators I like watching the show. It was one of the best shows on TV. I had a huge crush on all of the. Female gladiators I love them all. My favorites were Zapp, Siren, Ice, Storm, Blaze, Jazz, Skyy, and Diamond. Those were some sexy strong women. Fast forward to now the sport of Women's Bodybuildin… Read more

Posted by jwatson911 12 years ago

I love sexy strong muscular women.

Hey its me James Watson I don't. Want to beat around the bush. But I have to admit I have a thing. For sexy strong beautiful muscular women. I really do I'm being honest. They are the most attractive women. On the planet earth its the truth. I'm an ordinary shmoe at heart. But I have no problem with that. I love to see big huge biceps on a woman. I think that it is natural for. A woman to have big hard ripped muscles. I have never got a chance to see. A woman bodybuilder workout in the gym. That is very unfortunate for me. I have also never met a woman bodybuilder. I definitely want to meet a… Read more

Posted by jwatson911 12 years ago